Voodoo Doll Pendant: Approximately 2 inches long. Does not have to be worn. Antique style pendant with peg holes at six principle body points Eye/head, mouth, heart, groin, hand and foot. There is a chain connected to the doll with a pin that can be stuck in the holes on the body of the doll.
Although voodoo dolls are often thought to be used to bring about negative effects, a voodoo doll can be used for good in your own life or in the lives of others: for love, healing, protection, and success, just to name a few. Voodoo to some is a religion, to others it's a mystery, and to some voodoo dolls are simply a tool to promote change.
Eye/Head- stick pin here to influence someone's thoughts, to make them see things your way. To show the truth to your self or someone else. To get someone to stop gossiping about you, have your lover to stop looking or thinking about anyone else. This area covers anything that has to do with the eyes or thoughts.
Heart- Stick pin here to make some one feel love or to understand what you have endured through heart break. This area covers anything that deals with matters of the heart including healing.
Groin- stick pin here if you want someone to stop cheating. To create sexual desire or to amp up the sex life. This covers anything that has to do with the Genitals.
Hand- stick pin here to have someone give you money or gifts, to get a promotion or raise. This covers anything that has to do with actions of the hands.
Foot- stick pin to control the path of someone or forge a path for yourself. To heal the feet.
Instructions will be emailed to you as to how to effectively use your Voodoo Doll for yourself or others.
We recommend only using your doll for positive things as karma does not ignore malice against others.

Moonstar7spirits registered trademark 4157496.