As the day gives way to night, behold the shimmering light.
Surrounded by protection and love, a glorious gift from above.

Shining Ones" are an ancient, psionically powerful race which preceded most of Imperial civilization.
They are powerful Angelic Wish Granting Entities that will change your life forever. The Shining ones appear in all cultures.
They were known as Anannage or Anunnaki gods of Sumeria and Babylon, Shemsu Hor or Akhu from Egypt, Devas from Hindu.
If we translate all these names they all mean one thing only, and that is The Shining One or some other form of these words!
There is understanding in all religions, coming from priests, pastors, rabies and witches, that Shining Ones have always existed.
Followers of all religions knew them.
They are ancient Angel djinn with powers above all others.
Recently coming forward to be bound to rings of sheer beauty to serve you!
To own one of these spirits is equal to owning 1,000 top level wish granting spirits.
Each "Shining One" has his or her own name. They are positive and are here only to assist. Never to harm.
You will see their shimmering orbs in the darkness as they surround you and protect you constantly.
Your life will never be the same as you are immersed in the light of the Shining ones. There is no coaxing or offerings needed to receive their help.
Once you own one, you own all. Everything you have ever hoped or dreamed of will become reality as you are bathed in the light of the Shining ones.
The Shining ones will not beg or plead. They ask once. If you feel drawn to this listing, you have been honored by the presence and gifts of the Shining ones.
No other seller has them. I only have a few. Please do not delay your purchase.
Ring: Beautiful ring with inlaid opal and abalone. Please specify your size when you check out.

Moonstar7spirits registered trademark 4157496.