Earrings are 925 sterling silver. Dangling hooks as shown
The Tree of Life symbol represents our personal development, uniqueness and individual beauty. Just as the branches of a tree strengthen and grow upwards to the sky, we too grow stronger, striving for greater knowledge, wisdom and new experiences as we move through life.
These earrings were consecrated with 10 spells that are symbolic of the tree of life. These powerful works come from the Hudansaad Shamasee's book of shadows.
These spells will help you to live your best life and to continue to grow.
Caelo et in Terra- Which translates as heaven on earth. Hudansaad Shamasee was a firm believer that we should have a wonderful life on earth. This spell surrounds you with energies that create a beautiful existence for you and your family.
Circumdata solis imago- Which translates to surrounded by light. You will be surrounded by benevolent spirits that will provide protection and draw forth rare miracles
Cor misereatur- Which translates to gracious heart. This spell teaches you to be thankful. When we send these energies outward, they will be returned tenfold by others giving unto you.
Tempore messis- Which translates to harvest time. This spell brings closure to the things you have long waited for. Your hard work will be rewarded with the harvest of fruits of your labor.
Infinita Ofes-Which translates to Infinite wealth. This spell aligns your energies with all wealth frequencies.
Amare verum-Which translates to true love. This spell ensures that you will find your true love during this life time to experience the deepest connection possible.
patentibus oculis- Which translates to open eyes- This spell will enable you to see everything more clearly. You will see the truth behind people's words and understand things that you have been blind to.
In Flamma Ignis- Which translates to flames of fire. Each of us has a fire within our soul. For most of us, this flame is very small or unlit. This results in going through life without actually living. This spell will ignite your flame. You will become alive on all levels, noticing things you never have before.
Tranquilla unda- Which translates as calm stream. This spell balances all energies around you which serves to help you make better decisions and avoid turmoil.
Divina Virtute- Which translates as divine power. This spell will draw forth your sacred powers that may currently be dormant. These are powers handed down from your ancestors.

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