The 4th Pentacle Of Solomon serveth to acquire riches and honor, and to possess much wealth.
King Solomon has exerted a hypnotic influence over wizards and esotericists since ancient times.
Solomon's wisdom encompasses astrology,magic and the evocation and binding of spirits.
Mahindred Shamasee works exclusively with Moonstar7spirits to bring you the most powerful magickals in the World.
Mahindred Shamasee is a direct descendant of King Solomon and has adopted his secretive methods and ancient alchemy which have been handed down for generations. You simply will not find a more powerful wealth drawing item than what is offered here.
This piece was carefully imbued by Mahindred Shamasee with the 4th Pentacle of Jupiter for ultimate wealth and prosperity for the wearer!
Solomon's energies are bound to this ring which will allow you to obtain honor and great wealth quickly.
This ring exudes a powerful pulsing energy and buzzes with electrical current of a top notch magickal. It is handcrafted of stainless steel and is of superb quality.

Moonstar7spirits registered trademark 4157496.