YOU WILL RECEIVE ONE SMALL 1 DRAM DROPPER VIAL OF POTION. Instructions will be emailed to you.
Potions have been used for centuries.
A potion is a topical spell that is applied to your skin or as directed. As you wear the potion, your energies mix with the spells and bring forth the results that are intended. Potions are created for many different purposes. They have long been a common practice of alchemy and are associated with witchcraft.
Our coven is known World wide for our powerful Magick potions and powders. We use only the finest ingredients and spells that are known only to us.
Our potions bring fast and lasting results.
Abundance Potion:
This spell has been used for many generations to bring the love you desire.
As you use the potion, your results will increase.
Instructions: Abundance potion can be used in different ways.
- Wear as a perfume to job interviews.
- Put on lottery tickets.
- Put on your hands when gambling.
- Put on your wallet.
- Put on bills.

Moonstar7spirits registered trademark 4157496.