This magick pendant was designed to concentrate the magical powers needed to summon the desired spirits or forces to bring about tremendous wealth to the wearer.
You will see increased flow of money as you wear this beautiful spell cast pendant.
The more money you aquire, the more powerful it becomes!
It aligns you perfectly with the universal wealth codes known only to the rich and famous.
Have you ever wondered why the rich just keep getting richer?
~The secret is the Universal Wealth Code!~
As you wear the pendant, the perfect spirits will be called forth to assist you in obtaining vast riches.
These are unbound, free spirits. You do not have to bond or work with these spirits in order to get the desires of your heart.
As your energies mix with the powerful ancient spells of this pendant, you will begin to draw money, opportunities and WILD LUCK!
Your break is finally here!
No more paycheck to paycheck
No more worry
No more counting pennies
Simply wear the pendant and enjoy the magickal benefits!
The pendant is beautiful and blazing with energy! It looks like the picture and comes with a chain.

Moonstar7spirits registered trademark 4157496.