This article can be used to summon forth benevolent spirits from the distant realms of the Universe.
Direct links were established to the founding members of the Illuminati. Their wisdom flows freely through this Amulet.
This is the purest form of Supernatural.
As you touch the amulet you will inherit rare abilities only known to the elite Illuminati members.
Be prepared for powerful changes to occur as you embark on your journey with this tremendous vortex of magickal powers.
This article is linked directly to the Illuminati Brotherhood of Theurgia Goetia.
The spirits of Theurgia Goetia can show and discover all things that are hidden, and done
in the World & can fetch & carry & do any thing that is to be done or
contained in any of the 4 Elements, Fire, Air, Earth or Water & also the
secrets of Kings or any other person.
The magick on this amulet is derived from the lesser Keys of Solomon. It is a portal rare dinn spirits chiefs, emperors, kings and princes that King Solomon invoked.
All Spirits will be activated in your favor as you wear. The rare powers speak for themselves.
With this item you will achieve greatness beyond your wildest dreams.
Communications with rare entities.
Wisdom shared from other realms.
Premonitions relating to your life and the lives of those close to you.
Magickal powers bestowed upon you by spirits.
Intelligence beyond the human scope.
Aid in healing and materializing physical items.
Open communication with the spiritual and extra terrestrial realms.
Amulet is Silver and depicts a skull in a top hat. This is a known symbol of the Illuminati and is symbolic for upper class/ ULTIMATE POWER.
When you own this item, you will be covered under the veil of the Illuminati. Nothing can touch you and nothing can stop you.

Moonstar7spirits registered trademark 4157496.