This mesmerizing ring is from The Ebony Manor Estate collection!
Item you are purchasing: Beautiful vintage ring made of gunmetal, opal and tiny emeralds. It has a unique design Size 8.
This is a lovely item to wear proudly as it has a rich and wonderful history and some lovely secrets too!
Allow this ring to inspire and empower you on your journey toward true enlightenment.
This bewitching Pendant is from a collection of jewelry owned and loved by Witch "Birdie".
She calls this item "Witches Soup"
This ring has layer upon layer of spells to assist you in all areas of your life.
1. Ordo Sacer which means "Sacred order" This spell balances all energies around you to create harmony and peace. You will see everything fall into perfect place.
2. Nemo plus tenebris which means "No more darkness" This spell removes dark energies, hexes, curses and negative people who literally suck the life out of you.
3. Delectat in circuitu which means "Luxury All Around" This spell surrounds you with a golden aura that attracts the luxuries of life. No more scraping by or just getting the necessities to live. This spell will flood your life with vast blessings of wealth and prestige.
4. Vide Bonum Sentiunt Bonum which means "Look Good, Feel Good" when you are healthy and strong, your body and face reflects this from the inside out. This spell restores vitality and beautifies you naturally. You will look years younger and be able to accomplish more which in turn will make you feel younger too.
5. Quod desiderat anima mea Which means "What my soul longs for" This spell draws forth the things you have always wanted, but perhaps thought you did not deserve or that they were beyond your means. You will quickly realize the power of this spell when all of your dreams become reality. This also works for rekindling lost love or making contact with someone you miss.
This is a one of a kind item.
This is a special article. It is to be used for good. All spirits must be respected. By purchasing, you are agreeing to these terms.
Birdie is a 84 year old Witch. She resides in Ebony Manor which was built by her Grandfather Walter many, many years ago.
Birdie acquired her "gift" from her Grandmother Rosie, who was regarded as one of the top Witches in all of New England. Rosie came to America from Germany when she was 16 years old. There she met Walter the Son of a wealthy Doctor. They soon married and moved to Ebony Manor where Walter began rebuilding the family home for his lovely wife. Rosie and Walter had twin Sons and one daughter named Emily. The 2 boys died in infancy leaving Emily an only child. Emily learned the ways of a witch from her Mother, but was never a very good student. When Emily grew up and had a daughter, Rosie immediately knew this child was different. She had the Gift! The Child was named Roberta Rose, but everyone called her Birdie, because she took special care of injured birds. She had a unique healing touch and it was no time until the birds flew from her gentle hands.
Birdie was a very good student and learned quickly from her Grandmother. Her knowledge of withcraft is extensive. Her priceless treasures are legendary throughout the World.
Birdie has acquired a vast collection of beautiful jewelry pieces. She is ready to pass some of them on the the right people.
You will know if this item is meant for you.
Please feel free to ask questions about this item!