A message from the Bahai: “O CHILDREN! Know ye not why you were all created from the same dust? That no one should exalt himself over the other.
Known as "Maidens Of The Heavens. They have an uplifting energy that will bring you through even the most tumultuous times and turn even the most bleak situations into pure light. You will gain a better connection to your higher self as you align with this beautiful Angelic djinn. They can manifest as a light streaks, true form, telepathic thoughts, dreams, mist, touch, shades, & orbs.
Every human being possesses an immortal, rational soul that passes through this world for a brief time and continues for eternity to advance. Our life’s purpose is to progress spiritually. In doing so, we acquire the divine qualities we will need in the next life. The Bahai will help you to realize your true purpose and assist you in learning the most important life's lessons. She is always there to lend suggestions, praise or willpower to do the things in life that are often difficult but necessary.
Just as a candle’s purpose is to provide light, the Bahai was created to give generously. You will quickly see your finances triple and then triple again with her by your side.
The Bahai Angelic Djinn is housed in a lovely tree of life ring. It is solid sterling silver and has a rose gold tree. This ring comes in all sizes while supplies last.

Please specify your size when you check out.

Moonstar7spirits registered trademark 4157496.