This beautiful bead was triple spell cast with our most powerful spells for cleansing and keeping your aura clean and negativity free.
Everyone can benefit from this item.
As you go about your daily life, your aura can become clouded and blocked.
This is caused by normal events such as stress, negative people, arguments, negative thoughts and feelings.
When your aura is dirty you feel sluggish, unmotivated, tired and even ill.
Cleaning your aura will give you a new refreshed outlook, vitality and a skip in your step.
Things will fall in place easier and things will go your way more often.
Simply wear this bead on any chain, cord or bracelet. I have many spell beads available. Choose the ones that meet your needs and make your very own one of a kind magickal!
Bead is made of glass with a metal core. Glass is the perfect conduit for a spell as it allows the energies to flow naturally.

Moonstar7spirits registered trademark 4157496.