YOU WILL RECEIVE ONE SMALL 1 DRAM DROPPER VIAL OF POTION. Instructions will be emailed to you.
Potions have been used for centuries.
A potion is a topical spell that is applied to your skin or as directed. As you wear the potion, your energies mix with the spells and bring forth the results that are intended. Potions are created for many different purposes. They have long been a common practice of alchemy and are associated with witchcraft.
Our coven is known World wide for our powerful Magick potions and powders. We use only the finest ingredients and spells that are known only to us.
Our potions bring fast and lasting results.
This potion is very involved and consists of special energy manipulation as well full moon rituals done over a series of 3 years.
This potion is extremely powerful as it makes you the Alpha Wolf in every situation. Great for males or females.
You will command attention. Your energies will be sexually charged and magnetic. Others will be drawn to you in a way you have never experienced before. Your words will be hypnotizing, your demeaner will be strong and alluring....you will be irresistible.
You can wear this potion alone or with your other preferred scents.
You will receive one 1 dram dropper vial of potion. Wear it on your wrists and neck. Powers are off the charts during a full moon!

Moonstar7spirits registered trademark 4157496.